A Time Of Change

By: Julsey

A young girl lay on the ground in a small clearing in the middle of a dark forest, curled up into a small ball, her body wracked periodically by sobs. Around her, all was silent, her weeping the only sound heard. The clearing in which she lay was eerily lit by the criss-crossed moonbeams of the two full moons that passed over head. The young girl was oblivious to all about her as she cried in grief and pain, though she had no visible wounds. A pack of wolves stealthily padded into the clearing, circling her small figure, the dark beasts of the night merely watched her, none moving to attack. One light gray wolf sniffed at the scattered ashes of a former campfire in the center of the clearing. Two other wolves, one large black male and one slightly smaller dark gray female, padded to the opposite end of the clearing from the girl, heading towards two bloodied and beaten bodies tossed carelessly aside. They sniffed at the bodies and prodded them with their nuzzle, the lifeless forms already growing stiff. The two wolves looked silently at each other, then over at the shivering figure of the young girl. The female gray took one step away from the two prone figures and suddenly lifted her head to the sky. A long, low and mournful howl rose from her throat. Soon, the other wolves of the pack joined in the howl, their voices sounding hauntingly through the silent forest. Night creatures looked up from their tasks and those at rest stirred in their sleep, all familiar with the wolves' howl of mourning. The young girl lifted her head and looked around. She shivered slightly as she listened to the howl of the wolves and was strangely comforted.

The leader of the pack, the large black wolf, stopped howling and lowered his head to look at the youth. He padded across the clearing to her side and looked into her deep sapphire blue eyes. She expressed no fear as she gazed back into the wolf's glowing amber eyes. After a moment, the wolf lowered his head and gently took her arm into his massive jaws, his razor-sharp teeth pricking lightly into her skin. He tugged lightly, then released his hold. He padded past her and disappeared into the shadows of the forest. The young girl knew what was wanted of her and rose silently to follow him. She paused just before exiting the clearing and hesitantly turned to look behind her. The pack still milled around the clearing, gathered in small groups. As the girl scanned the clearing, she saw the dark gray female who began the howl. The wolf stood infront of the two slain bodies, her stance one of protection, and the young girl knew her parents would have their Guardian. She turned back around and slowly walked away from her past and all she had ever held dear. The pack-mates padded after her and their leader in stealthy silence. Within moments, the clearing was once again silent and empty, only the large gray female standing near the bodies remained. She turned around and whined softly and after a brief silence, a shadowed figure stepped out from behind a tree.

The figure stepped from the shadows into the eerie moonlight that bathed the clearing. The man stood straight and tall, a long, black cloak concealing his body and the dark clothing beneath it. He looked to be about 25, but his blue-gray eyes held a wisdom and strength that no man of that age would have. He knelt by the wolf with a sigh, his gaze turned to the prone figures on the ground. He placed a gloved hand on the wolf beside him and was silent. After a time, her spoke to the wolf beside him, his voice a rich low baritone, soft and gentle.

"She is all alone Callel. That poor child. To see her parents killed, no, murdered, right in front of her eyes!" He sighed again and lowered his head, reaching a hand up to cover his face. He gently pressed his fingertips over his closed eyes, shaking his head slightly. "What has this world come to Callel? My descendants cannot survive in this savage world where children watch their parents massacred!" He lowered his hand and looked at the wolf beside him.

"Protect her my friend. Guard her and keep her safe. She is destined to carry on the race of the Solaluni, and she shall be lonely and afraid. You and Granal must protect her, as well as the rest of the pack. I will watch over her as well of course, but my presence need not be revealed, yet. All shall reveal itself in time."

Callel whined softly and nodded her head. The man leaned over the still figures, his soft gaze looking the couple over. Their lifeless bodies were bloody from their wounds, but their countenances showed they were at peace. As his gaze passed over their bodies, he noticed their hands were clasped. Tears sprang to his eyes at this sign of their love for each other. Even in death these two held onto one another for strength as it should be. The man lowered his head once more and spoke again, his voice barely above a whisper, a soft breeze blowing through the forest.

"Children of my descent, you were the last of the Starling line but for your daughter. She will survive, she must survive. If I have to give my life, I promise one from your clan shall survive." There was fierce determination in his gentle voice. He reached one of his hands up to a chain that he wore about his neck. He fingered the charms that rested on the chain, the most eye-catching an etched silver crescent moon. "Crescent Starling will carry your name on."

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