Enchanted Garden

By: Fox

Cerulean ether covered the sanctuary, within, children of the earth, all curled in a sound

sleep in their beds. Twilight blue streamed between the protectors of the sanctuary, a

unnerving aura filled the air. The protectors once frozen from the seasons, now gaining

back life.

She walked with elegance, a beauty hard to describe, one that can only be seen.

Pale arms gracefully swaying with each step. Ebon hair laying freely, displaced by only the

breeze. Her dress hid her in the shadows, blowing as freely as her hair.

A chill air froze her in mid-step. She glanced toward the sky to see the stars more

clearly, then she had a long time. Back to the mortal world, her gaze fell on a great oak.

The main protector of the children.

Her bare feet felt the blades of the dew covered grass, she stood beneath the god

of the sanctuary. Crystals of soft azure stared upward, sterile. It appeared as two

beautiful gems hung in the air, the rest of her hidden by the obscuration.

The skin of the god was rough, scraping her once perfect skin. She climbed, never

looking down, further and further to the stars. She sat still at the top, her dress and legs

hanging loosely. She began to stand, keeping her balance her arms stretched outward, the

wind blew harder. The shadow was whipping behind her in a blaze, as if she had wings.

Falling backwards, azure was covered by paleness. She was falling fast, the earth

getting closer. He wings clinging to her back, pushing foreword. “No.” Her eyes flew

open, sapphire burning with rage. “I am in control.” She whispered to herself. “Stop!”

She screamed into the darkness, it echoing off the ground. Her feet gently grazed the soil,

and she began walking in the enchanted garden again.

All the children were sleeping as she walked as a parent, checking on them. Her

mind confused, her heart racing, and her eyes flickering rapidly, checking. She stopped,

dead in her gracefulness. Her eyes fell onto the only child still awake in the sanctuary.

“Silly white rose.” A child like voice, that was not hers exited her. Her once bright

sapphires were now dim, no emotion. Her steps were controlled in a trance. Stopping at

the rose she went to touch it by the stem. “White rose.” She said again. “White. Rose.”

Now confused. Realizing the thorns she reached to touch the pallid petals. Crouching

down, her hand extended, her fingertips touched the purity.

She gasped in fright, her eyes widening in horror as she stared. She had been

tricked, confused by what was real. The petals were sharp as daggers, as the thorns

should have been. As her blood flowed into the rose, it became red, until the rose was filled with

her blood.

In an instant, she saw herself on the other side. A white snow colored dress, bright

in the summer light, her hand reaching to take the crimson rose. She kept it close to her

face, rolling the soft petals, illuminating the sapphires behind it. But, only one of the

shadows could see the blood spilling from the rose. She shrank back trying to escape, only

to live in the shadows forever in the enchanted garden.

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