Dark Lashes

By: Fox

Death In The Stars

My breath clung to the air, trying to hang on longer. “Don’t let go. I’m still

here.” it tried to convince me. Above me the demoniac obscurity and brilliant light

intertwined. Lights of confidence dictating me in the Cimmerian abyss. The vault of

heaven displaying beneath me, a reflection, I was standing in the sky.

I waded out further, I stared into the looking glass below me. It was pure enough

to see the depths in the daylight. Darkness reigned supreme at that moment, with only the

sprinkles of glitter as their guide. The waves flowed to my waist, I closed my eyes and

imagined myself there forever.

I listened. The ocean makes beautiful music if you listen close enough, with your

heart, mind and soul. The sounds are mesmerizing. A rhythm beating against the sand, as

if each wave was shaking hands with the earth, finally meeting another counterpart. The

wind guided it there. I cannot tell you of the sounds of the ocean. Sounds heard with the

heart can never be. No words can capture its glory. I only hoped the heavens had its own

symphony, but maybe the silence is the music.

I went out a little further, it was harder to stay balanced. My ears still seizing the

sound of the water. I was stagnant on the moon, the stars beside me. My brothers and

sister enclosing me, protecting me. A tear fell from my cheek, then. My eyes awakened,

emerald crystals opening wide to a new experience, glowing in the moon’s light. They

were secluded by long lashes, batting playfully in confusion. My hand elevated and

touched my cheek. Crying. I was releasing water, my other hand cupped the liquid that

was swiftly moving past me. I let the tear fall into my hand and gently placed it where it


“For you.” I told the ocean, as well as the stars. For the stars have tears too, all

around. They had a part of me now, I smiled. “What wonders you both hold.

Suppressing secrets against the inquisitive, who only wish to be apart of you. You hide

yourself from them. See? We are alike. That’s why you can confide in me.” I whispered

to the waves, and they answered with a Herculean wave.

Under the air, I felt secure, nothing was going to cripple me. I held my breath until

I could not any longer. I let the salt lick my wounds, and the water soak into me. Into the

air again, I let out the remainder of my breath, it iced in the air, as before. Only then did I

realize how cold I had become, I began shivering. Completely engulfed in the

magnificence of water and stars, my hair clung to my face. The stars shimmered below

and above me, still. I went too far to go back, I knew too much. I took a step, the water

was to my chest. Another step, to my shoulder, so cold. Another step, and the water was

gently kissing my neck, then my lips.

The morning was near and the sun exploded with a fire that met the water, who

had been pushed by air to met the earth. “No! Fiend! Do not come! You mustn’t! I

wish to die among the stars.” The last step; emerald crystals lingered on top of the

looking glass, and the moon, before concealed by dark lashes.

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