Blood Moon

By: Fox

Crimson light enveloped the earth as the stars hid in the darkness of eternity. The

moon posing as the sun, when in the west. That night was the time of the blood moon; a

time of angels, and demons. A time of deceit and holocaust.

Scarlet filled the cathedral, staining the wooden structure with blood of the moon.

Only two remaining glasses pointed to the stars, and the blood. The rest were closed for

their protection. They met in the center, a small shadow between them. A few candles

burned, far to the other side of the grand cathedral. They were just enough to cast their

shadows to the floor. The rest was covered in a thick blanket of darkness.

Her beauty matched that of the moon. She appeared in the stream of light. Her

face was emotionless, as was her deep golden eyes. Soon after her arrival, a beauty to

match the stars stood before her. She met the innocent sapphire eyes and took a step

forward. Her skirt was slit to her waist, but fell to the floor, scarcely touching her bare

feet. Her arms raised silently, showing silken shoulders, and her top that barely covered

her. She entwined her arms around his neck, wrists resting immaculately on sturdy

shoulders. She took another step, but he was too afraid to move.

“This is not right.” He knew this to be true. “She is merely an enchantress, a

Siren, nothing more.” This he did not believe, but his thoughts worried him. His face

altered drastically, she saw this.

“It is all right. It was meant to be, it is the blood moon tonight.” Her voice was

sharp and hasty, yet each syllable was slow, deliberate, she purred but hissed

simultaneously. His hands cautiously went to her waist, she smiled, as well as she could.

“Not so hard, is it, good one? My angel.” Her hands traced his body. Gracefully

sweeping his chest and arms, her eyes flickered to meet his as she touched his face with

her frigid hands. He stood frozen, as iced as her hands, she sent chills down his spine.

Her eyes still held his, a look not to be explained gazed from her golden eyes. She

covered them with her ashen skin and brushed her velvet lips to his neck. The angel

gasped and pulled away. “Seductress.” He breathed accusingly.

“No, never, my angel.” Her voice was now sickeningly sweet. The blood

surrounding them was starting to dissipate. “We must do this now, we shall never have

another chance!” Urgency oozed in her tone as she pressed against her angel. His arms

encircled the demon and his golden head dipped to meet her burgundy, eyes closed, as

their lips met.

Windows opened around them, trapping them where they stood. Thousands of

hungry hands clawed at the glass. They looked as though they were frightened of the

outside and wanted to come in, but all the angel and demon wanted was to get out. They

knew the hands were for them. Glancing upwards for an escape, the angel’s eyes

widened. Fear was drawn across his face in an instant. staring back at him were hundreds

of hollowed eyes of the painted angels of the ceiling, illuminating the presence of his own


The angel clutched the demons’ hand and stood in the little dispelling light of the

blood moon. She clung to him, her face hidden in his chest, arms wrapped tightly. Their

eyes closed and her charcoal wings out stretched, scarlet tears fell from her pale face. The

angel’s ivory wings touched hers and he could not control the silver streaks that marked

his face.

The hands clawed deeper, pounding, echoing in the cathedral. They had done the

forbidden. As the angel chanted he held his demon close, kissing her tears away until the

hands broke the windows and the blood moon punished the demons.

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