Bitter Sweet Revenge

By: Fox

Daggers pierced my flesh lying alone under the ocean of darkness; white rose petals drifted across the emptiness. I could see what is in front of me. I gasped for air, alert, waiting for him to return. Crawling in the dampness of the night, leaving a trail of fire and rain behind me.

Move foreword. Don’t delay. The pain was unbearable, my heart was throbbing for him to do something, to tell me “I’m sorry.” Why was he running away? Left behind to cry and wallow in my tears and blood he let submerge. Rage and utter disbelief dwelled inside me. Through gritted teeth I sobbed, my shoulders heaving. Was it my fault? No. I

was the one lifting him up. There was no need for pity. I only pity the coward.

He left me here to cry and to blame myself, no, I will not. The desire to kill is so difficult to restraint. My tears feel like acid igniting my flesh. My blood, what is left of it, is boiling. How could he steal my innocence without my consent? Why didn’t I fight more fiercely? Fight to my death the he deserves? Coward! You will never get the satisfaction of my pain, the companionship or love, ever. What you have done make me burn with a passion I have never dreamed of. Nothing I have felt can compare to this, nothing.

... I trusted you. You deceived me. You smiled and laughed and told me we were to take a walk. A walk through my favorite place, under the stars, among the earth. But we did not walk. I was corrupted by your touch. Only to satisfy your hunger. I told you no, but you continued as if I had not spoken. The daggers in my back caused me more pain than you will ever know. I cried and begged just for you to move the rocks that were gorging themselves into me. When you saw my life on those daggers you ran and left me crawling on my knees, begging for help. Begging you to come back and help me.

My family was crying for me, the stars washed my stains off the beautiful flowers you crushed. You made me weep, and ache. You hurt my life, my pride; worst of all you hurt my friends and family by leaving me out here, that I cannot forgive. I cannot forgive, for what you have done. I will have my revenge, I know I will die out here, I know you did not mean for it to happen.

But... revenge is sweet, and mark my words, my revenge will be bitter sweet.

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