The Sins Of Other's

By: crystlrock

To get passed all who has destroyed what made us who we were in the early years of our lives is never an easy task.

To be able to give of our selves as we once did becomes a thing of the past.

Always to be afraid, always to hide away,

Not fair to make someone else pay for the sins of other's.

How do we know when someone else comes along,

That they to will destroy what's left of what we are,

Why can we not give them a chance,

Hold out our arms, allow our hearts once again to dance,

Not fair to make someone else pay for the sins of other's.

Who are we to make such judgements,

Not allowing them to get close to us.

Why with everyday we keep them far,

Not giving them the time to see who they really are,

Not fair to make someone else pay for the sins of other's.

Someone else took what was once us,

A loving and caring person open, honest and always with trust.

Someone else destroyed what we thought was for real,

Their the ones who turned us into steel.

Not fair to make someone else pay for the sins of other's.

Will this ever end?

Will we ever allow someone else in?

Will we ever trust again?

Not as long as we make someone else pay for the sins of other's!!!!!

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