
By: PoetPatriot


I once was asked "What is a person that is anti-partisan? That question at face value can be taken two ways. I will address the person who refuses to participate in any party. I will then address the nonsense that parties should be non-partisan in their actions.

1. A person who is anti-partisan is one who will have no impact upon the policies of the parties that run this country. By this definition although they may 'make a statement' and may to small degrees effect the greater dialog will have no actual bearing upon the direction of this country.

There are many reasons one may choose for not participating in a Major Party but by doing so they lock themselves out of the policy making. Those who refuse to participate in any party does not understand the need of co-operation for the advancement of agreed upon values and issues. Third parties can only succeed in 'Making a Statement' maybe to the effect of small changes to the dialog of the two major parties. Participation in smaller parties is activism predestined to failure.

2. A person who wishes anti-partisanship does not understand the political system. The democrats accuse the Republicans of partisanship whenever the Republicans do not agree with the Democrats. The reason the two parties exist is because of disagreements (partisanship). To stand fast on one's principals is partisanship. Non-partisanship is either indecisiveness or when the values of two or more parties meet to allow a compromise.

The liberals have turned the term 'Partisan' into a dirty word; using it to demonize the Republicans to attempt to sway public opinion away from issues where the Republicans gain success. The Democratic party is partisan when they accuse the Republicans of partisanship. Partisanship is the essence of the two party system. Partisanship defines the parties. Partisanship is Politics.

- Roger W Hancock

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