Differences In The Parties

By: PoetPatriot

Differences in the Parties

by Roger W Hancock

At one time there were only minor differences between the parties, at least compared to now. Issues were once so close together that the only differences on some were they to favor business or labor. The gap has widened from a crack to a canyon. The same differences now encompass favoring labor by penalizing success of the small businessman, or that of maintaining the rights of the individual. As our society pulls to the left the right resists attempting to maintain the traditional support of the American dream.

The extremism of the left although espousing much feeling seeks the dismantling of our free society. We all care about the forests but there is a balance. The left seeks to undermine the economy of Lumber communities under the name of environmentalism. The human element means nothing to them.

Tear down the dams and deny the water and power to those who need only for the rhetoric of saving fish. The first leftist thought when fish die is that it must be man's doing, even before the studies are done. The rhetoric begins without fact and that is what makes the news.

‘For the children’ a favorite mantra of the left, as our rights evaporates, as parents, as property owners, or as small businesses. As we are kept from disciplining our children juvenile crime increases. Teenage pregnancies increase. We build walking trails for future generations while devaluing the property of today’s citizens. The left heaps upon businesses tax after tax for this or that program. As businesses cease there will be fewer jobs for the children they so claim for to care.

The individual candidates may say anything to get elected which makes an informed decision difficult. We must get off our apathy and learn what the parties actually support by studying the voting records of our elected officials. Only then can we truly know the agenda of that party's leaders, which may not be the party's position but it's actual direction.

The differences are becoming clear to more and more people. The Democratic Party is not the party it once was; neither are the Republicans for that matter. We must begin to assert our rights. We must pull our society back to the common sense of liberty’s principles. The American Dream must be kept in reach and not become the elusive dream.

Roger W Hancock


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