
By: stormy

Dear Heavenly Father, I have a confession to make.

For I have received yet another heart break.

He stole my heart, broke it in two,

Then said, “I’m no longer in love with you”

Father, why does he have to be this way?

Please tell him I don’t want to hear what he has to say.

Father, for I have committed a sin,

That day when I let him in.

I want to forget him & what we once had.

All because he lied to me and made me sad.

Father, I am done playing his game.

I’m done with him handing me all the blame.

So if you would father, help me out,

And please show him what this is about.

For I still love him father

But he doesn’t love me so don’t even bother.

He said it was all a lie,

Father he made me cry.

I am weak but have to be strong

Father, what he did was wrong.

I know that now, I knew that then

Please father; get rid of these horrible men.

He used to control me father

Stop what things used to be.

I guess what we had was fake father.

This is the confession I had to make

He never loved me father.

So please don’t even bother

I don’t need someone to hold me tight

I was wrong & they were right

All I need is something that’s not there father

All I needed was for him to care

Father I do not want to let him go.

But its time, and we all know.

Father, my confession may be sad, or a bore,

But my heart hurts so much more.

Pleases father take the pain.

Remember he once said I was a little insane.

Take away the scars caused by this knife.

Oh please father, just take him out of my life.

I miss him so much father.

I miss his kiss and his touch.

For I must leave father,

Cause no one will ever replace him father.

This is my confession.

They all said he was ‘my obsession’.

Father the time has come for me to stop needing him,

Now I believe them father.

Father I need some help down here.

Because you knew loosing him was my fear.

Now you’ve heard my confession, the one I had to make,

So please forgive him for his love, that was so fake

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