Candle Perceptions

By: Fox

A luscious scent sweeped into the air. Candles flickering with the slightest exhale

of breath. One dancing fervently as if it was a jester in a kings court. Some dancing with

one another, twirling and intertwining around each others flame. Another, smaller than

the rest, cowering from the world.

They are, in essence, minute star that are made on command, as if we are the star

makers. But who are we to say we can create the stars? The way the flicker and dance in

the night. Such a destruction, all powerful heat that penetrates and overcomes the

darkness; that is so powerful it consumes all. That, in which can break the silence of the

night with a mere crackle.

The stars, what I see when my eyes raise to the seemingly endless, but true,

perception of the infinite unknown. Immortal numbers of provinces this mortal planet has

never dreamed of. Opportunities of life, technology, and beauty that will never fall upon

my eyes, only in my imagination, which it why I love it so much. I see other minds,

perceptions, religions, perhaps the truth. I imagine giant stars, and tracking of lights to

something long since past away, but alive in my eyes.

The ocean, almost as endless as the universe, so it seems. The depths are

inspiring, and swimming is just as well as flying. Powerful as fire and just as beautiful.

Rain, just saying it makes me smile. It falls from the sky, and if you let it roll down and

soak your body, it can be one of the sweetest moments of life, especially if sharing it with

someone. Feeling the kiss of the sky on your soul, feeling it’s power, yet it’s gentleness.

Wind, one of my favorite things. Just to feel the earth’s touch on your skin. It’s

as if you were play fighting with the earth. It pushing you back and you walking foreword

to block, challenging the wind. Other times, loving, enough breeze to cool you down and

redden your cheeks, and to blow your hair playfully.

Storms are a dance of energy. The large drums that make your insides tremble

with exhilaration and excitement because of the power. The light that dances too fast in

the sky. Simply a mesmerizing magnificence.

Music; undoubtedly one of the best inventions, or is it an invention? Maybe it’s

instinct. The birds make music, the rain, the fire, the sea, just natural. From voice to

instruments or nature. It shows human emotion and something that fills your heart to the

point of breaking.

It’s all a painting, a jumbled mess of good and bad, colours mixed, emotions

changing. As I blow out the candles one by one, the scent thickens. That flickers to an

almost spiked, colourful flame. A pool of liquid beneath as the smoke swirls upward to

the stars. The wick an acute glowing orange, sparking to grasp onto life. My breath

whispering toward it and grasping it for a moment before diminishing the beauty called


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