American Socialism

By: PoetPatriot

American Socialism

Are you aware that one by one we are loosing our freedoms? We enjoy the freedom to do what we want when we want. We can speak against our country and even burn our flag in protest. Our liberties are being restricted right before our apathetic eyes. Do we want the premise set by our founding fathers or do we want socialism?

With freedom comes responsibility. Responsibility in freedom respects the rights of others.

There are four planks I will address.

1. Confiscation of property rights

2. Abolition of private property

3. Heavy progressive income tax

4. Abolition of rights of inheritance

These are just four of the planks from the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. They seem to apply to the actions of the left side of our political factions.

1. Confiscation of property rights.

Unreasonable setbacks effectively prevent the use of many properties.

Whether for environmental or recreational use.

It sounds “Good” to be preserving the wetlands and to provide trails for recreation but when we infringe upon the rights of property owners we act as government of the special interest rather than of the people.

2. Abolition of Private Property.

Higher taxation and over regulation is government confiscation of property.

Incrementally our property ownership is being devalued. Is there a goal to remove the right to own property? Conspiracy or blind liberalism is taking us down that path.

3. Heavy progressive income tax.

Over 40 percent of our hard earned income is now paid out in taxes, whether it is income or sales taxes, business taxes passed down in the price of goods or the numerous other taxes. Trickle down works better on taxes than increased profit, but a proven model, non-the-less.

All of our taxes are a greater tax burden than the oppression of the serfs by the feudal lords in the dark ages.

4. Abolition of rights of inheritance.

To remove the rights of inheritance is the means to remove wealth from the people. Excessive tax on inheritance is one small step for man to except the eventual removal of the right of inheritance.

The liberal elite whether by design or blinding shortsightedness promotes the oppression of greater taxation and greater regulation of property usage. Restricting our rights is placing us on the path toward socialism. The results of which will be greater government controls and less liberty for you and I.

In only two hundred years America has become the greatest country affecting the peace and security of the entire world. Our democratic-republic, a proven experiment, has become the example as other societies struggle against oppression. Ironically as other countries incorporate democratic ideals into their systems, America draws closer to the premise of socialism.

The sparks of liberty began with the courage of America’s founders. We sit back in our easy chairs and complain, doing nothing. We are not worthy of ‘Lady Liberty’ if we are not willing to protect her principles. Many Americans do not even vote let alone act in defense of their freedom.

A little activism goes a long way. Write letters to your local newspapers. Begin a dialog with your friend and neighbors. Become involved with the political party that is more closely aligned with your values. Influence grows as support is voiced.

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