America's Demarcation

By: PoetPatriot

America's Demarcation

by Roger W Hancock

American boarders, a demarcation of the United States of America, need to be a defining point. We need to be diligent in the patrol of our borders for our defense. We have a military that has available manpower, they should be protecting America’s boarders in protecting our freedoms.

Many are concerned about human right violations, I say forget ‘human rights, other than the basic right to undue physical harm. We should protect American Civil Rights, the rights of our citizens. Allowing criminals and terrorists across our boarders threaten the security of our individual citizen rights.

American Constitutional Rights are for Americans within America. We may attempt to assert our rights outside our boarders but that is where our jurisdiction stops. Americans are free within America but are subject to the oppression of the world upon exiting. Proof of citizenship or proper authorization should be required at boarder crossings and the terrain between crossings should be patrolled. We have joined the world of terrorized victims; we must defend ourselves. Give free reign to exit but upon entering inspect. ‘NAFTA’ should be revisited.

Perhaps establishing a new branch of service that would be a status somewhere between active duty and the reserves. A branch that would be ‘boarder active’ but a reserve should trained troops be needed for military action. The current Reserves could be used as boarder patrol during times of war when the ‘boarder active’ service is pulled to military active duty. The Reserves would still be available as trained reserves.

Whatever we do, we know our security depends upon the security of our boarders. Protect our selves or be aware of our vulnerabilities and live with the terrifying consequences. Our boarders must become as secure as the Great Wall of China.

- Roger W Hancock

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