Settle The Score

By: Stranger1984

Spilling the blood of innocent men,

Fighting a war that's already been won.

Honorable people give their lives,

For one man's sadistic idea of fun.

The aristocrats see the need to fight,

So they send women and children to die.

Honor and loyalty are a sick form of justification,

What will it take to reveal the disgusting lies.

Will it take seeing their son in a box,

Because he was killed in the field?

Or will it take seeing a daughter riddled with bullets,

Because she became a human shield?

If this fight is so goddamn important,

Why are they sittin' behind their desks?

Why the HELL aren't they out there dying,

Becoming corpses like all the rest?

What makes them so different,

That they get to play with their children in the grass?

While the guy next door,

Is in a foreign country, pulling bullets out of his ass?

What will all the killing accomplish,

Other than a world full of pain?

Do they think it will be ok,

As the blood gets washed away by the rain?

They don't seem to realize,

They're making things worse, starting a pointless war.

Its too bad their ignorance will kill us all,

Becuase in the end, the rest of the world will want to settle the score.

By Christopher?

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