Sometimes I Wonder

By: Stranger1984

Sometimes I wonder if its really worth it,

And if I should put up with all this shit.

Sometimes I wonder why this all seems,

Like I'm a character in one of my own bad dreams.

Sometimes I wonder why I have friends,

Because I'll prbably die alone in the end.

Sometimes I wonder what death is like,

Because I don't believe in the bright, white light.

Sometimes I wonder who I really am,

Because my whole life has been one big scam.

Sometimes I wonder if there might be hope for me,

Because so far, I haven't seen any

Sometimes I wonder if love exists,

Because I know hate to be an Iron Fist.

Sometimes I wonder just cause I can,

Why do I have to grow into a man?

sometimes I wonder because I like to,

And now I have to wonder, do you?

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