Soul Of A Poet

By: PoetPatriot

Soul of A Poet

My soul yearns to express itself,

emotions, opinions churn inside.

Words tumble to surface thought,

twirling around my busy mind.

My values, rearing, and my faith,

culminate in unconscious thought.

My mood, my thoughts, innermost,

to be the message of a poem.

Concept surface to consciousness,

from deep within the poet’s soul.

Message forms into rhyme or prose,

expressing thoughts deep inside.

Much may come from deep within,

though only some will find a page.

I write what comes, I still remember,

before the words from mind to fade.

Many poems that could have been,

now only a memory of poet’s past.

Thoughts that never shall be written,

forever remain, in the Poet’s soul.

- Roger W Hancock

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