An Ode To Masochism

By: MidnightBlaze

It's funny

How the pain can feel so good

The thrill of the cold steel against warm skin

The delicious agony of fire licking young flesh

So maybe I can't help it

Hurting you is almost as hurting me

The blood dripping from you like honey from its comb

It's thrilling

I love the way you scream

Certainly you've noticed the look in my eyes

Just when you thought you knew me

I had to reveal another part

Baby, you think you're so smart

But you ain't seen nothin' yet.

You think you're so tough

But my demons would eat you alive

Do you know why I'm afraid of the dark?

There are scarier things in my shadow

Then you've ever imagined

Have you ever wondered why I hate to be alone?

Because it's in the quiet that I hear them

The screaming, the fighting, the pain

Over time they've poisoned my mind

Or did I create them from my own poison?

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