the delicate touch of someone who loves you...

By: yi'tan

I know now that no matter what I've been through

it can't compare to anything that you've experienced

although many of our pains seem similar

and our scars may trace the same patterns

I know now that yours are cut far deeper

I know that in the past there have been others like me

some that offered comfort but at what cost?

and I will not say that I understand

for I do not know if i can comprehend

the dangers the shadows hold for you

but I know that you'll never have to walk them alone

I know that you need not feel guilty

for there will never be any blame attached to you

you have been more than honest with me

and I have tried to follow your lead

I know that you have cleared my vision and allowed me to see

I know that you've asked for patience and I'm in no rush

because I fell in love with you

no longer a simple crush

and I know that I'll be happy forever

locked in your sweet embrace

never needing

but always wanting

your delicate touch

whenever it feels right

to both of us

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