
By: Larlie

Here I stand at a crossway,

I must make my choice,

Theres a pathway to the life I know,

It is a path of loneliness and fear,

of insecurity and need,

of sadness and pain,

It is a path that I travel well,

And am comfortable trodding its ground.

Then there is the pathway to you,

A pathway that promises of happiness,

of never being lonely or scared,

of never being insecure or wanting,

of never being sad or in pain,

The path is scarry in itsself,

For I know not how to walk.

So I stand at this crossway,

I must make my choice,

I close my eyes,

Swallow my shaking hands,

And take a step....

I take a step to the unknown,

This fear-full step covers miles,

But this step I take quickly,


This step leads to you

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