Reality Check

By: PoetPatriot

Reality Check

I know you. you me,

We think we know the other.

But whom do we know?

Do we really know?

We think we know the other,

the other may think know we.

Know we they, they we.

we may be fooling ourselves.

We take what we like,

and ignore the rest.

Until some disagreement,

when we don't get our way.

Then the nitty icky picky,

to pick them apart.

Now we claim strangers,

they are not who we knew.

They deceived they lied,

they are not the same.

Then they in turn,

throw we into our face.

That dose of ourselves,

puts perspective in place.

So to again hide our faults,

forgive we they.

To like what we like,

and to ignore the rest

- Roger W Hancock

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