I Hate You
By: Artem
I hate you for the pain I feel,
For tears you shed against my soul.
I hate you for endearment that I face
When face to face with you I dive into my fears.
And in the years of hardship, I despise
Your presence' comfort as it does exist:
Alone within my being, and my heart.
I hate you for entrusting me this
Doubt free emotion that doth plague my soul,
And so returns in greater trust of all
That in my mind... I trust you not at all.
I hate the understanding that we share:
Companionship does preclude our song.
I hate the sights you see within my heart
And in your sight I love them all the more.
Despise I, when you hear how my dreams call
For you to dream what others dare not share.
And fear you I, when I am most of all,
In love with you and all that you stand by.
I hurt when spoken to, in anger and in lust,
Or when in silence I remain apart
From you, your hate and love of me
And my return, for I do live in you,
And die each time we part.