Whispers On Angels Wings

By: crystlrock

I have met a man with salt and pepper hair,

I watch him as he sits alone by a rivers edge.

We start to talk and soon I remember his face,

he came to me one night, how did he know

I had lost my way.

He came to me and whisperd something in my ear,

but I dont believe in dreams my heart broken

from all the hate and pain.

I built up a wall but still he came to me,

But only in the night

to whisper to let him in he will not hurt me.

I surrounded myself with armor of darkness and hate,

for all so they can not get in.

But yet he stll came to me at night,

with the whispers of an angels wings,

to open my heart and believe again.

I've looked into his eyes so many, many times,

but turned away afraid that I would find,

the same darkness I feel that surrounds me,

I cannot let him get deep within me.

And yet he still came to me at night,

with the whispers of hope and courage

to help me find faith again and to believe.

I have met a man with salt and pepper hair.

I know now that he was sent to me.

On the wings of an Angel,

Forever he will be a part of me.


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