The Island Within
By: PoetPatriot
The Island Within
Anniversary special one day each year,
look back a few years though it seems so near.
Hot dogs and candidates for high office to pick,
bed and breakfast that night after the grand picnic.
An evening away from the kids and the job,
just a single night’s stay alone just the two.
With seas all-around the island Vashon,
that view we did not miss at the Island Within.
Along the trail just a short little hike behind
the aged house a quaint little bungalow,
Windows galore all around and above,
trees evergreen everywhere, above saw a bow
Saw trees stretching high as we laid down to rest,
then in the wee morning hours, a deer in the meadow.
Though snacks were provided, the kitchen’s the best,
we fully enjoyed that stay, at the Island Within.
- Roger W Hancock