Silence Of Sorrow

By: stormy

Youth obliterated. Innocence lost.

Only a lingering, stunning silence remains.

Utopia seems too far away to even be a dream.

The fog envelopes everything.

Always present; never failing to dampen my spirits.

Keeping me keenly aware that things are not the same.

Even in forgiveness, we cannot expect amnesia.

Entrusting my all to someone with a darker purpose.

Valuing your love above my own.

Eclectic dreams whispering, playing with my mind.

Reliving the things you said;

Yesteryear; the golden age of your false love.

The time in my life where nothing mattered but the

Hearts we handed to each other for safekeeping...

Intact, I gave you mine... shattered you gave it back.

Now a little more of me dies, with each passing day I

Grow a little more desolate, always mulling the question:

What did you ever give?

Did you ever really love me? Was it a lie?

Justice isn't equal. Life isn't fair.

Always wondering if... in your heart:

Did it ever really matter that I loved you?

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