He Loves Her

By: PoetPatriot

He Loves Her

A man loves his wife, so dear and true,

a love of ages, of many a year.

So much is shared, what’s hers is his.

Love expressed producing so much,

a home, belongings and, oh yeah, the kids.

It’s an expression, a commitment of years.

She doesn’t respond, as he feels the need,

consumed with caring for the home and the kids.

He feels left out, as though in the way.

The promise made, the vows expressed,

seem to be just a fog in the past.

He desires the intimacy, which once was shared.

He sees not true love, but only the void,

the affection he desires to be deeper with her.

He does not see, that he really wants Her.

A temptation flits by it troubles the heart,

why would a man jeopardize his true love?

Others devastate lives, with meaningless fairs.

He examines his heart, and commitment made,

and concludes, no other could fill the void.

It is truly his bride, of his heart that tempts.

The commitment made, for better, for worse,

to cleave unto the bride of youth, is the way.

Love may not be easy, the alternate worse.

- Roger W Hancock

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