I've Searched For You

By: stormy

All my life I thought I knew

somehow, someway Id find you

I searched, I dreamt and I looked

somehow something was always missing

I gave up after awhile

thinking Id never find you

Then I found you at longlast

as if we'd been together in the past

A love like this surely started before time

before we took our own paths so far apart

This spark remained deep in my heart

came again the night we met

It seemed so right so clear and yet

both at the start tried to deny it

We tried to say goodbye

and just be friends

things tried to come between us, people interfering

but deep down we both knew

the closeness only growing

the love between us showing

we had to at least meet

at least touch

see if there was a connection

I had to look into your eyes

be by your side

it was then we'd both only know

that we could never ever let go

All my life I searched for you

the only one my heart ever knew.

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