Why Did You Have To Go

By: stormy

Why have you left me so forlorn,

I've become desperate and alone.

Can you comprehend how much pain I feel?

No, you haven't any idea, do you.

The suffering i've over come,

So that i wouldn't halve to live without the thought of you,

Every night while i slumbered i cryed into my pillow,

So as not to wake her,

You know and i know,

But she never will,

The love that we had for each other.

Why, why did you have to leave me like this?

We were supossed to be together forever,

But now you're gone,

You left us with nothing,

Only the torement of you forgoten love.

Why did it have to be you,

Why couldn't it have been someone else, anyone else,

Even me, but not you.

Did you have to leave me that morning,

Did you have to go.

Why didnt you stat in bed with me,

Why did you walk in his path?

Did you really have to confront him.

It didn't matter what he said,

But when he pulled that gun it was all over,

You knew he would,

You knew he could,

They dont even care,

No one can prove he did it,

No one saw him actually pull the trigger,

No one saw the bullet hit you in you beautiful heart,

Why did you have to go?

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