I'm Slowly Dying Everyday That We're Apart

By: Marble

The moment we met I was as clueless as I still am

Yet, it was you who did all the work.

You found every small crack in my wall,

stubbornly chipping away at each weakness,

invading my private thoughts and dreams.

You came without warning



and left me blindsided.

Now that you've won me over,

now that you are such a part of me,

I'm slowly dying everyday that we're apart.

I didn't want this

I didn't need you

I didn't think love would feel like this.

Now that you've won me over,

now that you are such a part of me,

I'm slowly dying everyday that we're apart.

I curse you for your kindess,

I ridicule your large heart,

I hate you for your smiles,

..and I'm slowly dying everyday that we're apart.

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