When you are dying, what will you see

By: crimson.bead


When you are dying, I wonder what you will see?

Will you go back in time and see my tears,

hear my cries and feel my pain?

Will you hear the words you said to me

and wonder how I could ever keep trying?

Will you see me now and see what I could have been?

In that split second, will you want to say sorry

But realize you’ve run out of time

And wish you were already dead?


When you are dying, I wonder what you will see?

Will you see what you let happen?

Will you see the perversion you bestowed upon me?

Will you see yourself offering me on a platter to abusers?

Will you see me as a woman and know that

my problems were created by you?

In that split second, will you want to say sorry

But realize you’ve run out of time

And wish you were already dead?

Mummy and Daddy…

I wish I could say I love you, but right now I can’t

My soul is my new guardian

My pain is too deep

I will never understand, and nor will I try

All I know is that

When you are dying, you might see what you let happen

You may want to say sorry

But realize you’ve run out of time

And wish you were already dead

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