Life Lessons

By: PoetPatriot

Life Lessons

Nine months formed to infant be,

from the womb a promise shown.

The day my parents first saw me,

would they see the lesson shown?

Into life that day of birth,

experiences to learn.

A lifelong journey was brought forth,

would I heed and try to learn?

God is shown in everything.

I learn to crawl and then to walk,

from birth the wonders showing.

Learning, as I listen to the babbling talk.

Confidence begins to build,

walk, run, and climb, with no fear.

Mom does worry, Dad takes pride,

wrong to right is learned with tears.

Oh, to be a grown up now… I thought,

confidence now over formed.

Independence sought, with little thought,

the wisdom of my parents scorned.

Now an adult I am by age,

my actions show I’m still a child.

I’m on my own, as trials wage,

with help from parents now reconciled.

Throughout this life some lessons fail,

my parents kept their vigilance.

They loved me even through the pain,

when I rebelled in disobedience.

How much pain would God erase?

His love to give, forgiveness done.

When we seek to ask his grace.

God gave us, Himself… His son.

- Roger W Hancock

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