The Muckleshoot Tribe

By: PoetPatriot

The Muckleshoot Tribe

Coastal Indian culture of the Pacific Northwest,

before the white man came, before the Muckleshoot tribe.

Various tribes roamed the land, Skopamish, Stkamish, Smulkamish,

the Duwamish, Snoqualmie, Tulalip and Suquamish.

Tribal structure; nobility inherited, the middle class and descendents,

also the lower class of slaves, their captives of war.

The wealthy begat their leaders, wise to acquire, wise to lead.

From the land the resources used, their ceremonies observe,

the Salmon for food, the Western Red Cedar provided for much.

From the cedar came supplies for shelter, cooking and carvings,

the bark in strips to make clothing, mats and furnishings.

Today now joined, under the white man’s rule,

the many now one, the Muckleshoot Tribe.

For many years, they lost their resolve,

some became drunks and hoodlums, dishonoring the rest.

From among them selves, some leadership sprang,

leading the tribe into the white man’s world.

Much more money of the Gambling came.

Many services now, by the tribe to its own,

dental, medical, and dependency rehab.

Jobs now provided, the children to learn,

responsible initiative, to excel in this new world white.

Once the scourge of South King County,

becoming the rule of their tribal destiny.

Pride resumed, to show the white world,

contributions to make, the Indian has much.

Differences between the White and the Red,

now are settled in the Court of Law.

Once long ago many tribes, now just one,

two heritages of the red and white now joined.

The two may not agree but together they’ll talk,

brothers together, together, Americans all.

Remember the new pride, of the Muckleshoot Tribe.

Roger W Hancock

Written 4- 3-2002 ©

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