
By: Aristeia

As I move closer

Anticipation growing

Adrenalin pumping

A rush of sweet, swirling bubbles

Danced through my veins

Moving faster along the highway of nerves

And censors

Starting at my toes as a tingle

Like a cold shiver quickly reaching my spine

Accelerating like a high speed roller coaster

Till reaching my neck and exploding in my brain

Like a thousand firecrackers going of simultaneously

Pouring out of my lips

Forming sounds and vowels

Not words

That rushed out

Only to be silenced by the sweet and tender

Touch of the lips of another

It did not end there

Drawing back

The feeling left my numb lips

Continuing back down through my body

Traveling from one place to another

All converging at the center of my chest

Slowing done enough to fill my heart

Full of all the happiness, love, joy, excitement of the world

In one single moment

Then as quickly as it had come and settled

It spread over my body

Like a warm blanket wrapped around

On a cold winters night

Lighting the fire that had not been lit

In the furnace of my heart

Stepping back, falling down into the place

Where my soul is and feeling

It being taken and joined to theirs

Like two ribbons being woven together

Forming a bond

Looking up into the starry twilight

Floating up into the soft moonlight

Clouds, dotted with diamonds and

Cast in shades of blue and gray

Only to be lit up by the iridescent glow of

The mist covered pale yellow-gold moon

Then looking into the chestnut brown

Orbs that formed the eyes of the one

Who could touch me so deeply inside

With one single kiss that meant more than an eternity of

Words, poems and songs on what love is

I knew that this was the one

The one who lit the everlasting fire inside

The one who could make me walk on clouds

The one who could reach out and touch my soul

Without saying a single word but just by

Looking into my eyes and knowing me

Not expecting anything in return except the same

Love and fire to be ignited in their heart

By just one simple look from my eyes

That gave the same warm feeling over

Their body that never stops

That is love

written: age 13

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