Trying To Explain

By: Kitsune

I will settle all obligations.

I will go by the law, the word.

The spirit is dead in betrayal.

They expect to find themselves in me.

And react with anger when they see only myself.

Friendship is a two-edged sword, broken at my feet

The only thing touching now is our blood that flows down

I am sorry

Sorry for ever befriending you

Sorry to be the cause of your pain

It burns with unnatural brightness in your eyes

And gives off a chill freezing my soul

At least you have a name to your pain





very tired

very cold

Later, I will unbind the wound of your causing

And let it bleed until my tears run out

Despite everything, or perhaps because of everything

I am sorry

deeper than you believe of me

Yes, I suppose you must think that

I suppose you must feel the way you do

Speak what you will, think what you will

I am of no consequence anymore

There will be no more friendship

Only an end.

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