
By: Kitsune

faint moonlight gilds the land in shadows

freezing in icy detail the scene played out

before her like a crystal memory mirror

shattered in her heart

hair blows like unto whispers of the past

tempting and alluring the unwary eyes

to gaze and forget all words and thought

a dazzled prey for tears

the thread of life and destiny knotted

hopelessly tangled in the web of fear

emanating from the two statues of contrast

light and dark

sound moves on harsh nails in the night

voices raised in hurt and confusion ring

echoing false denials and true pain

whirling with the stars

hands imploring are ignored in their entreaty

eyes are soft and eyes are frigid

blue meets blue as day meets night

heavens crash down

silent are the cries of woe, of hope, of love

brimful are the eyes of tears, of despair, of resignation

forsaken is the heart of feeling, of emotion, of life

she fled like quicksilver

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