Breaking The Ice

By: Aristeia

As I slowly exhale I feel the warm air escaping

Turn to frost and icicles form in the creases of my numb lips

My breaths slowing down, to the pace of the drifting snowflakes

That encompasses my body

Forming a lacy blanket of warm ice and snow that wraps itself

Around my broken heart

Freezing it to the core

My hollowed eyes blink a last blink as the icicles break off my lids

And for the first time

I can truly see the world around me

The warm sun shinning down melting away

The icy shield of protection that had formed

The rays touching my lips for the first time in an eternity

And warming them into a ruby red full of life

The ice that had once encompassed my heart melts away

Till not even a pool of sadness remains

My heart beating faster

Finding a way to catch up to the summer breeze that races across

My shinning face

My eyes filled with life close only

To reopen with more hope each and every time

writen: age 12

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