The Crop Of Life

By: Teddy

The sound of waves against a beach

Wash through the soul,

Cleansing it of flotsam and debris.

The remains have a clarity and

Sense of Peace

Which then allow one to contemplate Life.

Life's highest priority is the

Cultivation and maintenance of

Personal Relationships.

The fertilizers of this special crop are

Attention, Courtesy, Trust, and Love;

By far the most important being Attention.

Attention takes an effort of Will

To put aside one's own problems and thoughts,

In order to become one with the speaker.

Courtesty is an extension of another human

All those qualities which one

Wants for one's self.

Trust is the expectation of goodness

From those one cares for,

No matter what temptation brings.

Love is the ability to exercise

The above qualities on a coninuing basis,

And to forgive when mistakes are made.

No relationship, no matter how brief,

Can be complete without

All these qualities.

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