Those Now Gone

By: PoetPatriot

Those Now Gone

(Memorial Day)

Fallen Servicemen,

for country fought;

liberty, freedom,

the primary reason.

They gave themselves,

that we be free

Fathers, mothers,

sisters, and brothers;

our dearly departed,

life for country given.

Families broken,

for liberty.

Veterans who served,

and lived to tell;

the horrors, and risks,

now sleep in peace.

Served their country,

for our security.

Unknown Soldier, MIA,

remembrance our way,

to honor you as well,

victims of a warriors hell.

Served, now lost that,

our lives be free.

Sleep now Sleep tight

rest now, duty done,

price paid in life or death.

The vigilance now be ours.

- Roger W Hancock

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