
By: PoetPatriot


At Plymouth Rock the pilgrims land.

The first winter tough, over half had died.

New found friends of the Indians made,

the Wampanoags generosity provided aid.

Seeds were sown, harvest reaped by hand,

the tribe teaching ways to work the land.

Fish to richen earth, for the corn to grow,

cooperation proof for a great land to show.

Invite of the tribe to show them care,

who came with their own food to share.

Living together that first experiment,

shows it possible, gave encouragement.

Thanksgiving for the harvest filled,

thankfulness to God who multiplies.

Their gratitude for having survived,

thanks for friends and God’s supplies.

Holiday tradition now in America,

turkey, dressings, and all the trimmings.

Family, friends, employment all,

we give our thanks to God for life.

- Roger W Hancock

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