Christmas Dog

By: PoetPatriot

Christmas Dog

Adorned in red bow and bells.

Energy abounding, so full of life;

jingling, jangling as she trods.

That be Angel, the Christmas Dog

Early as on most other days,

again she woke on Christmas day.

Much too early to ring the back door bells,

jingling, jangling outside, then back to bed.

The kids still in bed again she awakes,

attention she wants, attention she’ll get.

Barking until, me, she awakes,

to share the morning, with Christmas Dog.

Not forgetting the white frosted cat,

looking, hunting in hopes for play.

Her jubilance scares the feline prey,

jingling, jangling while avoiding swats.

The cat’s so snug, wrapped in white,

fur that’s soft, disposition not.

Always alert, for the energetic dog,

forewarned by bells of the Christmas Dog.

Attacking the new tennis ball,

another’s gift but thinks it’s hers.

Straight to me, demanding I toss,

jingling, jangling with every jump.

Celebration for us the family,

gifts exchanged, the feast consumed.

In Jubilation not forgotten, the pets,

the frosted cat and yes, Christmas Dog.

- Roger W Hancock

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