Forgiven, But Not Forgotten

By: stormy

I still think of you everyday.

I wish our friendship didn't have to end this way.

When ever you needed me I was there,

But what you did to me was so unfair.

I trusted you with all my heart,

Now our friendship has fallen apart.

My thoughts of you are so confused,

I feel like I have been used.

You wanted what I had,

And I am sorry but thats too bad.

Not even you could come between him and I.

Our friendship was nothing but a big lie.

With him is where you wanted to be.

But his love for me is strong you see.

He loves me more than you know,

That is why he let you go.

Our friendship will never be the same,

And you are the one who is to blame.

I wish it didn't have to end,

But I don't think you were ever my true friend.

What you did to me was rotten.

I have forgiven you, but it will never be forgotten.

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