Eye Opening

By: Renee

Close-minded people,

all staring at me,

laughing at me,

why can't they see,

I'm just a person,

trying to get through life,

trying to be happy,

and minimize strife,

I have my problems,

just like you,

I often cry,

and know that you do too,

But mainly I'm happy,

mainly I'm free,

because I'm unique,

because I am me,

But your stuck in a web,

and if it became untangled,

you'd have nowhere to turn,

and your heart would be mangled,

You rely on others,

you rely on a "friend",

but will they be there always,

and to the very end,

What if they leave,

and decide your no good,

you don't fit the fashion anymore,

just 'cause you jacket has no hood,

Then you'd know how I feel,

you'd soon know my pain,

and since your so week,

you'd probably go insane,

Trying to be cool,

trying to fit in,

shaddowing your real self,

which is the biggest sin,

Then once your in the crowd,

your mind is so clouded,

you can't see straight,

and your eyes have been shrouded,

You actually think clothes matter,

when your making new friends,

you can't talk to someone with glasses,

instead of contact lenses,

Well open your eyes,

get a clue,

we're all just people,

just like you,

We all need a chance,

accept me for me,

even though I don't think like you,

or see what you see,

I may seem strange,

my ideas may seem new,

but give me my chance,

and give others one too!

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