
By: Kitsune

Cloaked heat, hidden rage beneath pale skin
Deep wounds, festering with every blow
Blood flows, roars in the silver pierced ears
Long anger, growing and straining against barriers set

Feel the tears
Let the anger burn them dry
Feel the pain
Add it to my vast collection
Feel the heat
Boiling just under control
Feel the eruption
See it in my staring eyes

Are you afraid yet?
Will you respect me when I strike you down?
Dark as stone, quick as light
When you feel the pain, remember me
Of the many years spent under your heel
Restricting, crushing me from flight
To flee from you, from them,
I kill the ‘me’ you know
For a frozen lake lays beyond all I know
Away from familiar eyes, away from names.
Stretching wings

You can’t drown me, I’m so far down
Beyond earthly darkness
You can’t bind me to your corpse
The setting sun is calling

Years from now, gray in your hair
Mocking laughter will follow you
I live without you

Ears don’t hear your voice
Eyes haven’t seen your face
Fingers never touched you
Heart does not feel for you

I look to the misty future. 
Years would be too soon
If I met you again. . .
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