Twisted Emotions
By: Murasaki
Alone, is a space in time I exist in need
Comfort, love is but a Vague Memory.
I have gained a strong understanding; Indeed,
It is no place for me to spend all Eternity.
Want, it is the emotion that cries from
My soul, my anchored, heavy heart then
Is weighted; Weighted with what? Some
Incident? A frayed Emotion? Something Enshrouded Within?
Anger, this is what is truly born from me...
But, it is my Fatal Faulter, my loss, Idioticy.
I, full of all it’s temptations, the true meaning lying
Within; I suppress it, close it off, and with it, the dying
of my Want! I hold back what sets
Me different! What separates me! What gets
The greatest of my attention! For what reason do I do
This amazing, yet morbid feat? So that I can be accepted by you...
[...And I Know You’re Not Worth It...]