Rocking Horse Of Time

By: crystlrock

I pass a window everyday

And in it sits a old Rocking Horse,

made of only wood, it's paint faded away.

It's surounded by other pretty things

but this horse holds the songs

That only a child could sing.

It knows of all her dreams and secrets she did tell

It knows of all her mistursts in people she knew so well.

It would be there everyday and everynight,

to rock-away a child filled with so much fright.

It knew of her dreams as a little girl pretends

She wll be a princess someday and have many friends.

She will grow up and run away to a very far place,

She will grow up and meet a man that won't hurt her in so many ways.

To me and you it's only a Rocking Horse made of wood,

But to this little girl it was her best friend the only thing that understood.

It understood about the monsters that were real

It knew about the monster whom her childhood he did steal.

It knew there was no make believe

to this child monsters were very real.

I pass a window everyday,

In it sits a Rocking Horse with its paint faded away,

It's my Rocking Horse that I see sit there

It's my nightmares of monters that are still very real.

Listen to a child when they tell you of their dreams

Listen to them closely sometimes it's all not make believe.

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