
By: Kitsune

I drown in Nothing.

I might glance for an instant

If you push, if you try

to invade and compress the air I keep

around myself, I just might

If I dare, if you dare, if I fell

far enough, I could. I could with the ease

of a martyr, just enough

little more than enough, just one more.

So simple, like a child who can't wait

I watch, and judge.... Just watch me.

I m b a l a n c e d on the sides, should but

should not. Worse than is worth

but so good. Too good, there is no truth.

Sweet, short lies to climb to the dark. I have it,

the knowledge. I have it,

the purpose. I hold it,

the means to the deed.

And yet touch cannot convey

the power lying hidden, waiting for me or

someone like me. So easy, so near I cry and feel

the tears echo my soul, too close.

The phone rings.

Sleep til tomorrow...

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