By: oblivion
In the thralls of catagorization,
we all become a generalization
receiving no type of compensation
as we're titled by our station,
We are known for our relations
or descripted by our nation.
Set apart by generation
and aside through each duration
with no thought or explanation
or a verbal demonstration
to the reason our donations
to our lives and education
seem to reach a condemnation
with an outraged exclamation
and over-dramatization
we respond to evangelicanization
and we insult the meditations
of the people who give the explanations.
With a sting of motivation
and the threat of seperation
here's a cry to all the nations
quit this selfish masturbation
and respond to my vocation
of the hate of the fact our station
makes us become a generalization,
just another fallen victim of the evil catagorization.