
By: PoetPatriot

- G R E E N E R -

Most jobs that seem glorious, seem to also, to be easy.

Little, usually, is not as easy as it seems.

However the 'grass is greener on the other side,' 

as the hope of 'greener pastures' blinds us to the reality

of the difficulties of any job other than our own.

I know phone work well, even a little electronics

but writing which is becoming a passion is frightening.

Writing skills lacking, schooling not applied.

Self-consciousness to overcome to even write this piece.

Hind sight now becoming aged wisdom.

Had I known then what now I know,

I would not be here today, so say us all.

So what seems easy may well be,

but only to the one who worked,

learned and earned the trade.

Roger W Hancock  © - 9-20-2002

- the PoetPatriot


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