Dark Cat

By: Aristeia

Dark cat,

Why do you stare?

I cannot understand the blueness of your face,

Nor can I grasp the stray hairs that fall in place,

You pass the gilded cage, yet,

You pay no notice to the golden treasure within.

Dark cat,

Why do you stare?

As you prance along, only too content

Now seated upon the yellowed satin of your chamber,

The dark chamber that holds within the liquids of

The hollowed, the hollowed eyes,

Only to reflect back the same image as seen,

Dark cat,

Why do you stare?

You only give me the image that I wish not to see,

The warped and twisted figure that bends and sways

As though it were the yellow-brown grass,

Bowing to the command of the wind,

As if, it thought the sickle had come early,

Dark cat,

Why do you stare?

I know my fate,

The cherubim will come,

And my slight white flowers,

They will turn to the colour

Of your golden eyes, before

I have time to say my goodbyes,

Dark Cat,

Close your eyes.

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