Blood Moon (The Forbidden)

By: Fox

Crimson is the light that betrayed them,

The seductress in the blood,

The innocence in the moonlight,

Two beauties of the opposite realm.

The enchantress or the love

Angel tricked by the blood or a ridiculing heart,

Her hands a tool in the plot to destroy,

Her hands a gentle touch in the night?

Time flying unhindered, escaping,

Now or never, the answer,

Arms enclosed, lips meet,

The Forbidden.

From the depths of the earth,

Demons bloodied hands claw at the windows,

From the hellish abyss, hands, grasping,

Burning and pain, no escaping.

Above them, the painted angels, now alive,

Barren eyes, ablaze in shame, in remorse,

Giving him to death,

Crying in irrepressible animosity.

Petrified they stood in each other’s arms,

In suspense for their judgment, nerves screaming to be released,

Ivory eyes blazed as an inferno,

As the angel kissed the demon’s tears.

A love forbidden, anxious to be liberated,

The angel seized, wings now the night,

A punishment of feelings, seduced, or true,

A night of eternal torture, a life of glorified infinity.

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