Athazagoraphobia Girl - No. 5 "Over"

By: Kitsune


Still sitting where I was dropped
As the tears fall, endless
I should be walking away now
I should be picking up the razor shards
(What’s left of my heart)
I should be leaving you...

But I don’t want to go.
I want to make you proud
I want you to say those words
I want it so much that I...

I would scream
I would crawl
I would beg, bleed, steal, kill, die -
For your approval

Can you not say those words?
Can a parent’s love not overcome their past?
Is it that I am so unworthy?
When I try so hard, am I still nothing?

I’m just sitting here, crying
Overcome, by your silence
Overcome, by the shadow of your retreating back
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