Athazagoraphobia Girl - No. 4 "love"

By: Kitsune

Raving; I'm broken

With an unexpected word

Shattered, falling like broken glass

Crying tears that make me bleed

What was I doing?

Trying to be like that

Trying to convince you

How pretty I am

How special I am

How worthy I am

Of your attention...(love)

But my darkest voice whispers harshly-


How am I pretty?

How am I special?

How am I worthy?

Of attention...(love)

I've lost count of the years, passed by


No one special here...

And yet, lost in my consciousness

I see illusions...(delusions)

Of being pretty

Of being special

Of being worthy


My eyes burning from tears, I turn

Walking unsheltered in the rain


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